Friday, 16 December 2011


This gives you some idea of how early I get up in the morning to leave for work! this is the 1st snow we've seen in bedford and it's barely anything!

Very festive though.

I made the mistake of putting the wipers on to get rid of the show with the drivers door open and ended up with the drivers footwell of the car being full of snow and soaking wet. winner! yay!

Sky and Pie

I met up with a friend from teacher training- Sky- and we had mince pies! very festive- and a good old catch up!

Charitable haircut

although, in 2 days I've now raised £50.

I have 3 foot of hair, and for every £50 raised I'll cut off 1 foot. looks like I'll have a very cold head at this rate.

If you wanted to sponsor me here is the link:

Sunday, 11 December 2011

survey 2011

2011 in survey form

1. What did you do in 2011 that you had never done before?
I visited Budapest in Hungary and Berlin in Germany- and I will visit brugge later this year! I’m getting my hair done “vintage” too! Afternoon tea at harrods… seeing the specials, getting my own flat..moving my boyfriend into the flat.. I went to cambridge…I got an allotment soo much stuff!

2. Did you keep your new years resolutions and will you make more for next year?
I can’t even remember if I made any! :S

This year I will:
* keep my weekends free- I’ll manage my time and get my work done in the week- even if I’m tired so DO have time to adventure.
*Visit a country that gives me “stamps” of the 27 pages for stamps in my passport only 4 pages are used…this needs to be rectified. The pages will be lonely.
*Get a charity haircut… feel free to sponsor me..
*Cycle to work.

3. How will you be spending your new years eve?
In Brugge with the delicious Miss McKay. I’m not sure how much we’ll remember.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully no.

5. What countries did you visit?
WALES! Hungary, Brugge, Germany.

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
More fun! I’m clearly working too hard! :D

7. What date from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory and why?

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I got a proper, grown up job as a teacher. It still feels surreal to be able to say that! So now I live in my own beautiful flat and support my dependent goldfish.

9. What was your biggest failure?
All the stress! Making problems for myself (I need to learn I can’t change the world).

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Ear infection, followed by allergic reaction to antibiotics. Ace.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
That is a tricky question.. I’m very proud of my new German blouse.. I’m proud of my dresser..and my new (replacement) laptop.

12. Where did most of your money go?
Haha..on flights to the Bahamas when someone cloned my debit card! Thankfully the bank returned it! I have no idea what I spend my money just escapes my account.

13. What song will always remind you of 2011?
Tarantula by the pumpkins!

14. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Travelling and adventures, this year my most spoken line has been “I’m sorry, I have too much work to do and I can’t”.

15. What do you wish you'd done less of?

16. What was you favourite TV programme?
FROZEN PLANET – as you may have noticed from my posting bits of it! I also loved Kirstie's Handmade Britain, Coast and got a bit addicted to “don’t tell the bride”..soo many channels..soo much trash.

17. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No, I don’t hate anyone.

18. What was the best book you read?
I’m enjoying “the help”..I started reading “the woman in white” and I really enjoyed it!

19. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Heart Radio! :D it’s even better than dragon!

20. What was your favourite film of this year?
I’m not sure I’ve really sat down and watched any new ones! This year has been genuinely insane! When I have a crappy day I sometimes put on one of my costume dramas and cwtch up on the sofa..

21. What did you do on your birthday?
My Wife and I went to stay with our best friends in Wales and then we went to the CIA to see the specials. It was awesome. :D I drank Gin and tonic from a can whilst sat on a digger. And we had Mexican in El Pasons and lychee vodka in milgi!

22. What kept you sane?
This is usually my wife’s job (I’ll be honest, he’s rather good at it now) but the love everyone has shown me- especially the cards, postcards , facebook posts, blog posts and letters have been a godsend- its so lush when I come in from work to find a treat waiting!

23. Who did you miss?
I’m missing my friends and family! I’ve moved 3 hours away from the welsh contingent and also (somehow) managed to remain the same kind of distance from my family. Gah!

24. Who was the best new person that you met?
There are 3: Simon, Cynthia and Jess. Thank you for taking the edge off a very stressful move and new job!

25. Tell us a valuable life lesson that you learned in 2011?
Take it on the chin. People will tell you bad news, and there will be big choices made for you but powers outside of your control- and it will feel like the end of the world. Life is unfair. Not everyone will like you. People will judge you before they have even spoken to you. Even fewer people will understand you. People will always say hurtful things- both to your face and behind your back. Not positive, I know, but a year ago things like this really hurt me. Even stupid things people say without thinking. I need to be better at not taking things to heart.

I have no idea what the year 2012 will bring but I hope that with a positive attitude and determination it will be a great year. I am excited for the future

Why can't we have Berlin style tube stations?

soo many photos, but surely they are art?

33 hours in Berlin

I had a wonderful time in Berlin with Hayley (Thank you very much for having me!) this is a selection of photos of things that we managed to do- I can't believe how much we did!
my thighs hurt so much from walking!
I landed at 11pm on friday night and my flight left Berlin at 8am on sunday morning. I've managed to stain one of my green boots (NOT wellies) with mulled wine from the xmas markets as a souvenir!

We  went straight out from the airport for a drink in east berlin. this bar is soo cool, it looks like someones house- all cozy sofas and a curtain to keep the draft out over the door! they have a cocktail of the day and a lush menu- of very alcoholic cocktails! yummy..this is a white didn't last long.

soo..after our one drink has turned into a massive mooch round eastern berlin, and a look round the warehouse club area- where the busses with eyes live..and our adventure to the kebab shop "it's ok, respectable people eat kebabas in for lunch and stuff"...we found one of berlins famous photo we too advantage. whilst we were waiting the 4 min for the 70s beauty to work its magic we made a new friend.

he tried to sell us MDMA. then take us clubbing.
we politely declined both generous offers and ran away.

Our Beautiful 3:30am photos- with our Kebebas in silver foil. oh yes.

Hayley's appartment building in West Berlin. it's lush with a big wooden spirally staircase and a 40s looking cage lift. that we left well alone..

5 storey Vintage and charity shop in east berlin! yay!

A sausage seller man! "IF he fell over, do you think he'd grill himself?"

Soviet TV tower.

Reichtag- its orange because its facing a sunset, before anyone starts!

Arcges, tree, protest. yes.

The holocaust memorial. its eerie in between the stones. Hayley only recently visited a concentration camp really recently which prompted some interesting discussion. the camps are kept exactly how they were left. I'm not sure I'd be able to visit one. the stones were sad enough.

Santas on motorbikes! loads of them!

The berlin wall.

Tall view! oh yeah! this was freezing and a bit scary! I took lots and lots of photos, we went up as the sun was setting and the views were ever so stunning. the building had the fastest lift in europe! I think I left my stomach at the bottom!

Charolttenberg christmas market and castle.

Sushi dinner in Charlottenberg! yummy!

Spandeau christmas markey- we had mulled wine and we had FREE sausages in bread! winner!

Vinnie packs

Vinnie Pack 'starter kit' helps homeless in London

The contents of a Vinnie Pack, which is intended to help homeless peopleThe kit includes toiletries and items to keep people warm, such as clothing and a foil blanket

A charity has launched a "starter kit" costing £3 which it hopes will help homeless people in London to stay warm and maintain their hygiene.
The Vinnie Pack, which was created by the St Vincent de Paul Society, contains toiletries, a hat, gloves, socks and a thermal blanket.
The organisation is to distribute 1,000 of the kits around the city.
It has been backed by Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster, who said it was an "imaginative initiative".
The packs can be purchased through the society's website, or money can be donated so the organisation can distribute them directly to those in need before Christmas.
Homeless total 'rising'
When some of the kits were handed out in front of Westminster Cathedral on Sunday, one homeless man - Carl Chadwick, 26, from Leeds, West Yorkshire - said he thought it would help rough-sleepers a great deal.
"It's always nice to be able to brush your teeth, because even though you live on the streets, you like to have a wash, and try and have a shave.
"And then the foil blanket as well - because it can get a bit nippy on the nights."
The number of people without homes was increasing and meant additional resources were needed to help the vulnerable to be "a little more comfortable", said Siobhan Garibaldi, the society's vice-president.
"When Vinnie Packs were distributed on one of our soup runs last week, homeless people took what they needed and passed surplus items to fellow rough-sleepers," she added.
"That was an amazing example of how those with almost nothing realised the importance of sharing material goods with others in need."
In June another charity, Broadway, said 3,975 people were living on London's streets, an 8% rise on the previous year.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Traff's birthday weekend

We went to stay with my parents- as you can see, Traff got cake and presents!

And a new camera to take to Seattle. he now photographs anything that doesn't move quickly enough.

WE went out for a meal to the Hare in hendred with my parents, sister, deena and pete and john. it was such a good laugh!
it was a glam rock theme night and we all had christmas dinner- which was lush- followed by cheese cake- which was genuinely amazing!
soo stuffed.

As you can see everyone was very merry and christmassy.

once we got home Traff and my father continued to drink until 4am. Traff got very very drunk, told my father how much he loved me and then was too drunk to untie his he ripped them off.


A good weekend was had by all.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

The sideboard is here :D

yes! my second gumtree success!

I'm soooo pleased because it means we are finally down to one box in the front room. and than we will be completely unpacked! AND we'll be able to find stuff again.

I posted a picture before so I won't bore you again. everyone keeps saying how ugly the old 1940s dark oak furniture is.
my dad, mum, sister, john, traff have all told me how hideous this is.

I like it.
I love the dark 40's furniture with the curves and carved patterns- its very tactile, especially if its been well looked after as the surfaces are so polished and sooth and curvy and then the carvings are all rough. the handles are wooden and they're discoloured from use and worn smooth.
I find that somehow comforting.
My Granny used to have this style of dressing table, and a huge free standing wardrobe with a key, and chest of draws with a curved front. even as a kid I thought they were beautiful. but mostly now they remind me of her. maybe I liked them because she liked them so much.
so now I am sentimentally attached to someone else's dresser.

This is one of my biggest regrets:
when we cleared my Granny's house I didn't save any of the things I would have loved to keep. they all went to the tip. at the time I think I was too worried about the inconvenience and upsetting everyone when we were all very emotional.
now I really wish I'd just bitten the bullet and taken the shit that would have come with it- and held fast.

just silly things. like christmas baubles and books. things that are worthless in value but full of worth in a sentimental way.
I do realise though, that asking my parents to try and move then store that huge dressing table would probably have ended in my being killed and put under the patio. the mirror alone was about 4ft!