Sunday, 15 May 2011

**10 photo challenge** phone photo 1st attempt

Weird creative challenge.
though it was the right time of year!

Traffs be taking photos to show his parents when he goes to spain, got me thinking- how would you sum up where you are in your life now in 10 photos?

they can be oldies or new ones/taken for the challenge. they don't have to be taken by you.
Just thought it would be interesting!

haha..I am the 1st to upload my photos! These are taken on my phone, and represent my life - the things I like, what i'm doing now, what I enjoy and a spot of cardiffness. I hope this helps explain what I meant! I'll do this properly with my "real camera" but for now, take this as an example, you can use oldies, or other peoples images, and you can take your images from other media eg, film stills if you like- anything goes!

It would be nice for people to upload directly on here & write a bit to explain rather than an album coz of peoples privacy settings etc.

I'm excited now! get snapping peoples!!

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