Friday, 26 August 2011

Rainbow tortoise knitting pattern

Cast on 10sts in red.
Row 1.    Knit
Row 2.    Cast on 2sts. Purl to end of row.
Row 3.     Cast on 2sts. Knit to end of row.   (14sts)
Row 4.     Repeat row 2.  (16sts)
Row 5.     Repeat row3.   (18sts)
Change to Orange wool.
Row 6. Increase 1st at each end of purl row.  (20sts)
Row 7. Knit
Row 8.   Repeat row 6. (22sts)
Row 9.  Knit
Row 10.  Repeat row 6.  (24sts)
Change to Yellow wool.
Row 11. knit
Row 12. Repeat row6.  (26sts)
Row 13. Knit
Row 14. Purl
Row 15. Knit
Change to Green wool.
Row 16. Purl
Row 17. Knit
Row 18. Purl
Row 19. Knit
Row 20. Purl
Change to Blue wool.
Row 21. knit
Row 22. Purl
Row 23. Knit
Row 24. Decrease 1stitch at each end of row.  (24sts)
Row 25. Knit
Change to Indigo wool.
Row 26. Repeat row 24  (22sts)
Row 27. Knit
Row 28. Repeat row 24    (20sts)
Row 29. knit
Row 30. Repeat row 24     (18sts)

Copyright Hazel Margaret Pattison 19th March 2011 ©
Change to violet wool.
Row 31. Knit
Row 32. Cast off 2sts purl to end of row  (16sts)
Row 33. Cast off 2sts knit to end of row   (14sts)
Row 34.repeat row32  (12sts)
Row 35. Repeat row 33. (10sts)
Cast off.

Shell Underside

Work as for top using a single colour.


The larger the needles, the larger the Tortoise.
4mm makes a tortoise approx 25cm(9/10inches) head to tail.
2 ¼  mm makes a tortoise approx 15cm(6inches) head to tail.

Shell Edging

Cast on 5sts. (use any of the rainbow colours.)

Rows 1-8 k1, p1, k1, p1, k1
Row 9. k1 p1, turn the work to use these 2 stitches.
Row10. slip1 k1
Repeat rows1-10 until the work fits around the underside of the shell. (approx 12times.)
Cast off.

Legs Make 4

Cast on 4sts. Maybe use the same wool as underside of shell).
Row1. inc., k1, inc., k1
Row2. purl (6sts)
Row3. k1, inc., k1, inc., k1, k1 (8sts)
Rows4-16. stocking stitch
Cast off.


Cast on 10sts
Rows1-4. stocking stitch
Row5. k1, skpo, k2tog, k2, skpo k1
Row6-8 stocking stitch
Row9. skpo, k2tog, skpo, k1(4sts)
Rows10-12. stocking stitch
Row13 skpo, k2tog
Row14. p2tog.
Fasten off.

Copyright Hazel Margaret Pattison 19th March 2011 ©


Cast on 4sts.
Row1. (inc,k1) twice. (6sts)
Row2. purl
Row3. (k1,inc) three times, k1 (9sts)
Row4. purl
Row5. (k1,inc) four times, k1 (13sts)
Rows6-8. each end of the row.(15, 17, 19sts)
Row9-24. stocking stitch
Cast off.

How to finish

Weave in any loose ends.
Pin the edging to the top. Over sew together. Pin top and bottom of the body together sandwiching the edging inside. Sew together, ease any excess material and leave an opening for stuffing and for the head. Turn right side out.
Stuffing: should be non-toxic, non-allergenic, washable, flame retardant (BS5852), European Standard EN71PT2.
Why not try a beanie tortoise?
Legs, head and tail, with rs facing join side seams. Turn rs out and stuff. Sew head in opening; sew legs and tail to underside.
Sew on some eyes and a smiley mouth. A wool French knot eye is safer than a button. If you bend the legs in half and put in a small stitch at the bend you can create a joint.


skpo 1   slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch.
dec - decrease by knitting/purling the next 2 stitches together.
inc - increase by knitting into the front and back of the next stitch.
rs - right side.
ws - wrong side.
stocking stitch – 1 row knit, 1 row purl.

Can our tortoises reach from John O’Groats to Lands End or even further?
Rainbow The Tortoise will enjoy a holiday.
How far could your tortoise travel?
We would like you to send photographs of sunbathing tortoises, or a tortoise on top of a mountain.
You just have to give them plenty of time to get there.

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