I had a lovely night out with the PGCE lot! (Even though it was tamping..bloody rain! I thought it was almost July?! wheres the sun?!)
Strated off meeting Sky & Kirstie in scholars for a drink and a catch up- then we went to grab some fish and chippys on the way to rummers to meet everyone else.
1/2 way down the road we got stolen to go to the mill!
it was a laugh- Lovely to see Sam back for the weekend & to see the Geographers & Drama students!
I met Matt in the mill- and later on in Downies looking very much worse for wear!
We moved on from the mill to Downies- sam fell asleep on lisa & then spent 1/2 the night going sick in the loos..and we are to be entrusted with young minds in 6 days time.
what is the world coming to?
no, it was a really good laugh- I needed a night out- and still managed to be tucked up in my bed in Borth by 2am! not bad going!
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