Tuesday, 21 June 2011

New Job- starting in september!

I've been holding out on you, sorry, I went for a job interview last wednesday- and I got the job!
The school was ace! I was really impressed & the staff we're all so helpful and friendly.
I have to go for a training day on the 1st, so that'll be cool- and it'll be ace to get everything together well before september.

I'll be a year 9 form tutor- I have to go and meet my form on the 14th- so I'll be back in bedford then.

Bedford has a middle school system, so I'll only be teaching years 9,10 &11. all the grumpy hormonal ones!

I couldn't tell anyone about it because I was waiting for all the paperwork-so I went public on saturday!
the contracts came in the post on saturday when I was in the shower- Traff came bursting in waving an A4 envelope around because it said "Bedford" on the post mark!
just as well it was the contract really- keeping shtum for 4 days was horrible!especially when people asked me how the interview went and I had to be like "ok, i think" knowing I'd been offered it!
I'd be a rubbish secret agent/spy or something

goodbye cardiff! I will have my leaving -do on the 12th august! and hopefully move house on the 20th- all going to plan!
but for now, I will enjoy the summer!

I've got some house viewings on the 2nd- so hopefully I'll have a new address soon, so I can start getting my life in order.

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