Tuesday, 12 July 2011


there is a shop on splott road that sells all things from portugal. its all painted red on the outside, and they close in the day for a siesta.
that was really all I knew about it until today.

I have been avaoiding lidls now for quite some time- as I got myself a stalker- so I've been shopping in co-op.
soo, did all my shopping and was mooching my way home and was like "hmm, choritzo would be nice with spready cheese in sandwiches" they didn't sell it in co-op so I thought i'd give benditos a go.


and bargainous at 60p for enough for 3 days sandwiches!

service is a bit weird- but everyone was friendly enough and they sell loads of cool things! like iced tea in giant cartons and yummy sausages and whole rabbit, which sounds a bit gross but is probably worth a go.
and they sell pastries!
my life is complete
new kinds of cake to try!

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