Tuesday, 12 July 2011


we were invited to Charmouth by my parents, who rented a holiday cottage for a week- its only 2 hours from cardiff and its an easy drive, traff was off work so we figured it'd be an adventure.

It is a really quaint pretty kind of place, all cottages and cafe and not very far from they beach.

Charmouth is referred to as being on "the jurassic coast" because the cliffs around the beach are just FULL of fossils- plants, amonites, belapods, gastropods, wood, shells, even dinosaurs!

we started our day with a cream tea- as you ought to when you're on holiday- especially if its a 1 day holiday- then headed on to the beach- armed with a hammer and chisel.

traff ensconsed himself on the blanket as soon as we put it down and went to sleep- we took this to mean he would guard our posessions with his life and abandoned him in search of some pretty fossils of our own.

we had some luck!
basicly, you just find the darker coloured rocks, take the hammer and chisel and open the rocks up to see if there is a suprise inside!
like adult kinder eggs.
but waaaaayyyy better.

once we were all thoroughly worn out and sunburnt- me on my nose and shoulders and traff on his tummy- how festive (robin and rudolph) we set off for the next town for a bit of a walk about and some dinner- we walked out on the Cobb and did a spot of exploring.

but the REAL adventure started when we left, - we popped back to my parents cottage and did the cross word, had coffee and talked, and it got to about 10pm and we figured we should head back- now, charmouth is kinda in the middle of nowhere, so we put the satnav on and set off- we got 3 min into our 2 hour epic drive and the satnav is like "low battery warning" and it wouldn't charge.

thankfully it got us back onto the M5 or we'd still have been driving round dorsets country lanes now!

it turns out I lost 1/2 the charger and didn't notice.
my sisters boyfriend managed to find some things to frankenstein in the garage to make up a whole charger for me again.

but traff did get to demo his awesome map reading skills.

and we both got to practice remaining calm.

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