I drove to work this morning from cardiff- and I saw a fox! I've never seen a fox in daylight before- I've heard them mooching about at my parents and I've seen them sitting in the dark by travelodge but this one walked across the dual carriageway cool-as-you-please.
all 4 lanes!
They're speedier than I thought..and kinda more dog-like too..and very much more brown than orange..kinda rusty-car coloured.
Cute in a wiley kind of way.
The Beacons were glorious too 1st thing- 7am- when it was just getting light. It looked like that painted glass scenery you get in 50s colour films- you know the look I'm on about! check out the BBC in the middle of the afternoon, midweek if you need clarification (stuff like "the golden fleace, or sinbad..yeah, you know the ones..with the "dramatic" landscapes behind them that are ever-so slightly out of proportion, and the light doesn't change.)
And to topmy day off I got to have school dinners- mmmmm..yummy BBQ chicken wrap and salad...you beat my nomal supernoodle feast hands down!
I never liked school dinners when I was at school, now I'd happily eat them all the time!
yeah, I know- FAIL.
and Ffi and I made prettys:
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