Saturday, 12 March 2011

sometimes I wonder..

...what people would make of the contents of my handbag.
I always kinda wonder what assumptions people would make about me if they went through it!

what do my belongings say about me?
HA especially yesterday!

I'll tip my handbag out in a bit and photograph the contents- any analysis greatly appreciated! so much for women's bags being sacred, secret places- mines turned into a mobile office/drugists/junk shop.
It got to the point where I couldn't even find my wallet/keys and i was thinking "maybe I need another bag for those..."
no, I just need to be more selective!

I remember studying a poem in school once- I think for GCSE- and it was about the things found in a dead mans pockets and you were supposed to make up your own mind as to what they said about the person- I guess thats what i was reminded of when i was desperately searching for my keys yesterday- that and a bit of "Oh, i wondered where that had gone" and "WHY is that is there?"

I found my camera in my bag and it was so full of junk I hadn't realised it was there for almost an entire week (we're not talking about a small's a compact SLR...).

ALL I know is that I'd better not get hit by a bus any time soon because my ID/ mobile phone are impossible to find. O_o

1 comment:

  1. Thats pretty true, I think I'd die if anyone looked through my day handbag. I probably clean it out every month but it still manages to collect alot in the mean time. lol
