Sunday, 6 March 2011

Sunday Sweeties :)

What better way to start your sunday than a bit of kinder egg construction?
 my finished article! (I did have to have some adult assistance with putting the legs on- they were really fiddley! It must have been years since the last time I had one of these- they're ever so exciting!
Traff and James had one each too and got equally as involved so that makes it all ok (they're 3 and 5 years older tha me respectively, so if they're still excited about it then i'm obviously not too old).
Now we have a collection of carefully constructed creatures- I'm not sure what we're supposed to do with them..they're cheering the shelf up for now!
 All the little bits and the instructions (it all went much better once I read those- funnily enough)
We had randoms (technically this was before we slept so maybe it should count as saturday..but meh) and I got an umbrella!
There is something childishly fascinating about them all being completely different shapes- I checked very thoroughly and we didn't have any duplicate sweets!

I'm off to northcote lane market- so I might have some perchases to show off later, but for now this is quite enough excitement for one day!

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